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Libraries will be closed on Monday 24 March for Otago Anniversary Day

Central Otago Libraries Fine Free from 1 July!


We are now Fine Free!

Say goodbye to overdue fines for books and other items that are returned late – past and present charges included.

Just check it out and bring it back.

No fines does not mean no responsibility. Once an item is 6 weeks overdue it will be considered lost and patrons will be billed for the replacement cost.

If you have any questions regarding your account, please contact your local library.

Read more, worry less.

As a modern public library service, we work hard at being welcoming, vibrant, inclusive, non-judgemental and somewhere everything is equally available to all.

Removing fines results in greater use of public libraries including increased membership and borrowing. Using libraries provides communities and families with fair and equitable access to information and lifelong learning, with access to reading to build literacy and empathy, and with opportunities to learn and flourish in their community and the economy.

Removing fees also saves hours of staff time on payments, emails, debt collection and cash handling, and eradicates ill-will. It generally costs more in staff time to collect fines than the amount we end up collecting.

Yes, all items will no longer have overdue fees, however charges will still apply for lost or damaged items.

No, all fines will be waived if items have been returned in good condition.

No fines does not mean no responsibility. Once an item is 6 weeks overdue it will be considered lost and customers will be billed for the replacement cost. At any time patrons can return the items to have all associated fines and fees cancelled, as long as the items are returned in good condition. Borrowing privileges for library cards with a balance exceeding $20.00 or more will be reinstated when items are returned or the balance is paid.

Overseas evidence has shown that people are more likely to return books once fines are removed

We send a reminder email 3 days before an item is due to help you keep track of your check-­outs. If an item falls overdue, notices are sent via email once the item is 1 week overdue.

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